Title: Student Worker - BCC/Fine Arts Student Leaders (Districtwide) (SY24-25)


*This position has 4 openings.


BCC/Fine Arts
At Boston Children's Chorus (BCC), we harness the power of music to connect our city's diverse communities, cultivate empathy, and inspire social inquiry.


Arrive on time to scheduled shifts; Monday to Thursday from 2:45pm-5pm (up to 4 hours a week)


Compensation: $15.75/hour (student worker rate)


General Duties:

Note: These are minimum requirements. Supervisor Staff may expand upon any of these duties as they see fit, but must meet these daily requirements.


Reports To: Jacquelyn Boyd, AVID/Internship Manager and the Program Supervisors

Equal Opportunity Employer: 

Chelsea Public Schools is committed to maintaining a work and learning environment free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital/civil union status, ancestry, place of birth, age, citizenship status, veteran status, political affiliation, genetic information or disability, as defined and required by state and federal laws. Additionally, we prohibit retaliation against individuals who oppose such discrimination and harassment or who participate in an equal opportunity investigation.