Title: Student Worker - BARR, Pillar Team (Districtwide) (SY24-25)
*This position has 8 openings.
There is so much potential all around us. We aim to serve as both stewards and catalysts of that potential. As stewards, we nurture and enhance vital community assets. As catalysts, we cultivate and advance the breakthrough ideas that will shape our collective future.
Arrive on time to scheduled shifts; Monday to Thursday from 2:30pm-5pm (up to 5 hours a week)
Compensation: $15.75/hour (student worker rate)
General Duties:
- BARR, Pillar Team, Student Workers will work in alignment with school administration to support the redesign work of the learning environment for both staff and students.
- Be prepared to engage with students and be present during the activities
- Assist teacher leaders in preparing and supporting the work
- Upholds the standard student worker expectations in their respective environments
- Take part in the planning alongside teachers
- Fully participate in program activities and serve as a role model and leader.
- Provides administrative support in regards to record keeping or data collection that is in support of the program
Note: These are minimum requirements. Supervisor Staff may expand upon any of these duties as they see fit, but must meet these daily requirements.
Must be a CHS student in good standing: maintain grades and behaviors at CHS, reflective of what a CHS student mentor should possess
Must be able to arrive travel to assigned location via walk, ride or bus
Must act as a role model and mentor to students
Can provide proof of citizenship, residency, or work authorization
Reports To: Jacquelyn Boyd, AVID/Internship Manager and the Program Supervisors
Equal Opportunity Employer:
Chelsea Public Schools is committed to maintaining a work and learning environment free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital/civil union status, ancestry, place of birth, age, citizenship status, veteran status, political affiliation, genetic information or disability, as defined and required by state and federal laws. Additionally, we prohibit retaliation against individuals who oppose such discrimination and harassment or who participate in an equal opportunity investigation.