Title: Stipend - Set Designer (Spring Musical) (CHS) (SY24-25)
Dates: January 2025- April 2025
Fulfill the artistic direction of the set for the Spring musical, according to the director of the production. The set designer is expected to come to all production meetings and be in constant communication with the stage director. Purchasing of materials needed for the set are the responsibility of the set designer, but all related purchases will be reimbursed.
The set should be completed no later than March 25, 2022. The set designer will build the set and deconstruct it once the show has closed, on our day of strike, April 10, 2022, unless given more time by the director.
QUALIFICATIONS: The ideal candidate will be experienced in carpentry and have experience in play production.
COMPENSATION: Stipend-$1,300
Application Process:
- Upload a statement of interest for the position and complete the application steps via TalentEd.