Title: Stipend - Producer (Spring Musical) (CHS) (SY24-25)
Dates: January 2025- April 2025
Producer Duties:
- Manage all paperwork for production team contracts, budget, show outline etc.
- Manage rental materials for artistic team
- Monitor students grades/behavior on a x2 on a weekly basis.
- Relay any concerning issues to team and make plan of action.
- Coordinate student tech. crew, stage managers, lights, sound etc...
- Serve as a liaison between all school related and fundraising parties (admin., buildings and grounds, teachers) and parents.
- Serve on audition committee with audition committee - cast show.
- Based on budget – set goals and fundraise mainly through ads in program book but should be open to soliciting other sources of donations.
- Make check deposits to Chelsea High School activities acct. Bi-weekly. Disperse cash funds (or check requests) for designers for reimbursements as needed.
- Manage rental materials for students scripts and deposits.
- Manage the program book – program book should be complete one week prior to opening.
Qualifications: The ideal candidate will be an experienced educator with experience in play production.
Compensation: Stipend- $1,000
Application Process:
- Upload a statement of interest for the position and complete the application steps via TalentEd.