Title: Tutor - Bilingual Tutor (CHS) (SY24-25)
Hours: 6 hours per week
Location: Remote
Salary: Internal candidates are paid hourly per teacher contract. External Candidates are paid $35/hr. with a teacher license and $30/hr. without a teacher license
Minimun Requirements: Licensed teacher, special education licensure preferred, Bachelor degree, ability to get to various locations within the city
General Duties: Provide instruction in all subject areas to students; coordinate with classroom teachers on assignments; submits students progress reports to classroom teachers.
Minimum Requirements:
- Licensed teacher, special education licensure preferred; will consider non-licensed professions with experience.
- Minimum required - associate's degree
- U.S. Citizen
Hours: 6 hours per week.
Required for Consideration: All applicants need to apply via TalentEd.
The Chelsea Public Schools District is an equal opportunity employer committed to recruiting, appointing, assigning, training, evaluation and promoting personnel on the basis of merit and qualifications, without regard for race, color, national origin, sex, religious affiliation, age, ancestry, marital status, handicapping conditions, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other applicable unlawful discriminatory standards. (Title VI & Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII & Title VIII of the Public Health Services Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as well as other relevant federal and state laws). |